Circumcision Day

In Africa, it has been shown that male circumcision substantially reduces the risk of HIV transmission from women to men. Of course, using condoms will reduce the risk even further. The Ministry of Health has set Kakumbi Rural Health Centre a male circumcision target, and Nurse Martin Mwanza intends to meet it. When I arrived… Continue reading Circumcision Day

My Father

Today is my father’s 90th birthday. It turns out he is just one day older than Kenneth Kaunda, the first president of Zambia, where I am writing this tribute. He has had an amazing, full life. He was born in Ferryhill, and has always lived in County Durham. Whilst still at school, he started work… Continue reading My Father

Vaccination Clinic

Nurse/Midwife Regina Banda looked resplendent in her white uniform, starched white cap and a garish yellow apron printed with slogans from Zambia’s eradicate polio programme. “I want to ask you a favour, doctor,” she began. Tuesdays are outreach clinic days, when a nurse travels to a nearby village to vaccinate the children. Nurse/Midwife Grace was… Continue reading Vaccination Clinic

I’m in a dancing mood

I suppose it’s an embarrassing dad thing. My daughters would call it “inappropriate”. Showing off my moves, throwing some shapes, getting down and groovin’ to the music. Except that I do it when I hear certain funky cell phone ringtones. They just set me off. I was consulting with Nurse Marvis Mwanza in Kakumbi Rural… Continue reading I’m in a dancing mood


This lioness was probably one of the group who checked out Mushroom Lodge last week, looking for a meal. The pride has 18 females and three males (brothers) who are currently jousting for leadership. My understanding is that this pride is a splinter group, originally part of a massive pride in the north of the… Continue reading Yawn

Elephant Loop

After a hard day’s doctoring (well, three home visits isn’t bad), I drove the trusty Nissan Pajero down the bumpy track to Mushroom Lodge, where I am billeted. It was almost five o’clock and the sunlight was honey-coloured and gorgeous. I passed a track off to the right, signposted “Elephant Loop”. It looked so inviting… Continue reading Elephant Loop

Daktari Safari

Following a short interruption of blogging services, I am now able to resume. I have charged up a dongle with a gigabyte of internet access and will be writing about my experiences as a doctor with the Luangwa Safari Association Medical Fund. I am an honorary consultant at the Kakumbi Rural Health Centre as well… Continue reading Daktari Safari